I had a lot of fun at all the photoshoots this year, they were awesome, well organized and fun.
However next year I’m not committing myself to ANY photoshoots.
I spent all day sunday between the Teen Titans and DC shoots. From 9AM when I got up to when I left DC a little after 4PM. Saturday was the parade/SOSI shoot/Marvel, so that was from 8AM to after 5. Part of that time was getting into or changing costumes or eating, but my point is – next year I want to see more of the con. I never got a chance to go to Artists Alley or the Art show, both of which I really wanted to do this year. While I may end up showing up to some of the shoots, I’m not going to commit myself, because I want to have a little more freedom to do whatever next year.
Here’s the run down on how my costumes went.
Wonder Woman:
I almost didn’t wear it but I was glad I did. It was a great Thursday costume, it was comfortable and got a good reception.
The hair hat worked great. It was a tad uncomfortable until I finally realised it was just my wig cape had gotten squinched up and was being pressed against my head, once I got that worked out it was good.
My only issue was the shoes! I wore my “Ever After” shoes I bought almost 3 years ago and have never worn (they were still in the box!) I thought they’d be pretty with it if my feet were seen. Well the edge of some of the chiffon kept getting tangled up on the beads and sequins on the shoes! I’d get literally stuck because my dress was attached to my feet! Chase would have to untangle me LOL I eventually just kicked them off an went barefoot.
I wore it for maybe an hour – maybe an hour and a half. totally worth all the work just for the one shot Chase got of me in the Marriott Lobby in front of the big red painting – looks a lot like my reference š
Went over well. Just wore it for 2 hours or so. It was really hot and I kept getting asked if I was a steampunk character.
Black Widow:
Really happy with it. I’d wanted to wear it again over the weekend but my feet hurt too much to deal with heels again every night.
Black Canary:
Didn’t wear the classic version which I was a little bummed about. Wore the more comfortable version not once but twice, once to Ladies of Gotham and once late night Sunday. I think I need to find a new late night hang out comfy costume – this is the 3rd year in a row for it.
This was the secret costume! Really really happy with it, it’s so comfy and fun to wear, I love the cape.
Still not in love with the wig. It’s way better than the first one I had, but it’s a little…. I don’t know how to describe it. I want something a little brighter anyway.
Ms Marvel:
New boots/tights combo worked great. Didn’t have to worry about them falling in the parade.
Had to do a lot of last minute fixes to make it wearable but I have to commend Chase on making armor for me that I could walk up and down stairs in with no problems!!!
I’d like to see if we could get the shoulder pieces to match a little better – it’s the same paint on it but a different plastic so they look different. Also to pin the front of my wig back a little more.
Mara Jade as Arica:
Didn’t really get a chance to break it in thanks to the boots freaking breaking. I think I want to shorten the skirts though, I was stepping on them every once in a while.
I chickened out on the open front. After all that work! I sewed the thing shut right before we walked out the door.
Even so I was really happy with it.
Donna Troy:
Totally comfy except for the boots. Can’t wait to wear it again. Chase didn’t get pics of me in it outside of the group shots, so I’ll probably definitely take it to GMX.
Oh, Gaga.
Everything worked well except those damn hoops that have been the bain of my existence the past two weeks.
A week before the con we decided what I’d bought months before for the hoops wasn’t going to work. Last minute scramble to find replacements and I couldn’t get ENOUGH… I bought plastic boning and bought all they had, no time to run around the city looking for more. As a result didn’t have quit “enough” hoops around me. The stupid holographic tape then wouldn’t stick. I’d rub it down and stick it to itself and do everything I could and it would look great for a day… and then it’d pop off. And once it popped off there was no sticking it back down without it crumpling everywhere. Thursday and Friday during my downtimes at the con were spent covering every inch in packing tape so the holographic stuff wouldn’t come up again.
AND… the stupid snaps wouldn’t stick to boning, either. We glued them but they came off. Glued them on again and hoped they’d hold for the short time I wore it – but of course not, 5 minutes on the floor and the top two came off. Chase taped the hoops to me just so I’d be able to wear the dumb things.
Anyway – outside of the hoops everything else was ok. My blonde wig rode up so I think I need to go ahead and stitch the two wigs together.
That’s it! Pics later.